Only High Quality
Methacrylate and 316 stainless steel
Experience gained with shelving and wine cellars for storing wine (another passion) teaches us that for the shelves of the bottles it is better not to use glass or metal, but instead use wood or methacrylate. This is essential because both Wood and Methacrylate do not transmit the micro-vibrations that have a very negative effect on the effectiveness and duration of the wine’s conservation. All this also applies to our electronics which must be protected from resonances and micro vibrations.
In addition to Methacrylates, at INDAT Plastics we have gained 45 years of experience in the Industrial sector in the production of special parts in Polyurethane Elastomer and in the use of Gaskets and Nitrile Rubber (NBR) plates. These two materials, thanks to their elasticity, are widely used as anti-vibration and elastic joints; they are used to prevent dangerous resonances from occurring that can damage machinery, buildings or infrastructures.
For its part, DAM boasts great experience in the processing of ferrous materials and for the Crystal Rack we used the best: Anodized 304 stainless steel. Beautiful to look at and very functional. Both INDAT Plastics and DAM use highly technological machinery to have minimum tolerances but at the same time maintain that typical Made in Italy craftsmanship.